“Wild Places : : MOUNTAIN”

Külli Roosna and Kenneth Flak
Light design
Thomas Dotzler
Musical composition
Joseph Hyde
Costume design
Asalia Khadjé
Dramaturgical advice
Thomas Falk
Production manager
Johanna Korgel
Produced by
Korzo productions
Co-produced by
Sõltumatu Tantsu Ühendus and Vaba Lava
The Wild Places Trilogy deals with what is probably the most important theme of our age—humanity’s relationship to the environment–questioned and translated into artistic praxis in three different performances: Mountain, City and Body.The first performance of the trilogy is Wild Places : : MOUNTAIN. During an extended rehearsal period in the Norwegian mountains, the three performers and the light designer immersed themselves in the highlands, using the experiences of a wild, often brutal nature to inform the work. The piece brings an echo of the mountain to the stage: an extreme no-mans land, a place of harsh beauty and desolation where a human being is completely at the mercy of the forces of nature. This is realized through a complex system of interactive choreography, music, visuals and light. The interactive technology to make this possible is designed by composer Joseph Hyde in close collaboration with the choreographers and light designer Thomas Dotzler.Internationally active choreographers and dancers Külli Roosna (Estonia) and Kenneth Flak (Norway/Estonia) have collaborated since 2008. In their own performances as well as when dancing in other choreographers’ works they deal with the stories and technologies that grow out of the body’s movements. In their works, they have researched a wide range of subjects, from ancient Norwegian mythology (God Studies #4) to internet culture and interactive technology (Blood Music, Swarm Lake, The Chinese Room) and totalitarian regimes (The Wolf Project). Their works focus on the possibilities and limits of the dancing body in a constant dialogue with digital technologies and different philosophical and political discourses.
“Roosna ja Flak on tantsijad-koreograafid, kes süvenevad põhjalikult töösse ja ühendavad lavastustes nii kontseptsiooni kui tugeva esituse. /…/ Istud saalis mugaval ja turvalisel toolil, samas tunned aga, kuis lihased iseenesest pingesse lähevad. Mingisugune füüsiline empaatia äkki?” (Keiu Virro, Tantsuinfo kuukiri)
Thanks a huge lot for taking us on your mountaintrip. For having the guts, the power, the love, the conviction, the fun for making a show like this. Dance-theatre in the best sense of the word (and maybe in the only real one).(audience reaction)
Duration: ca. 60 minutes
Premiere: February 6, 2015 in the CaDance Festival, The Hague, The Netherlands
Supported by The Norwegian Arts Council, Fund for Sound and Image (Norway), Dutch Ministry of Culture and Education (The Netherlands), Estonian Cultural Endowment (Estonia).