Directed by
Artjom Gareev
Composer and Producer
Aleksandr Žedeljov
Tatjana Kosmõnina
Lightning Design
Denis Bretško
Visual Artists
Sergei Dragunov, Alyona Movko
Metal artist, technical solutions
Dmitri Mjatšin
Assistant to director
Anton Kiseljus
Executive Producer
Ksenia Kuzmina
Cinematographer, video editing
Nikolai Alhazov
Technical direction
Aleksandr Potužni, Maksim Kiseljus
Sound design
Katrin Kvade
InPULSE STRING QUARTET - Egert Leinsaar (violin), Valeria Rjumina (violin), Karin Sarv (viola, alto viola), Theodor Sink (cello)
Audiokinetica (NPO Helitelg)
Co-produced by
Vene Teater (Russian Theatre ) and Vaba Lava
Identity crisis. How do we and the place where we live change? Will we give up and change ourselves? How to grow and not destroy the other? Where is the boundary between humanity and cruelty?
IDEM is an audiovisual performance, which takes us back to the source of being, when the comfort zone was bordered with fire and beyond it was a frighteningly unknown and dangerous strange world, where relationships had to be fought out. From that moment, civilisation started to emerge, needing rules and regulations. Today, however, there are so many of them that people are confused and cannot find a solution or a way out.
The production touches on identification, co-existence and adaptation in the society in a number of ways. Complicated questions starting with culture and routine and ending with how the same conditions may influence an entire country or even a continent. Original music is performed by a string orchestra. Music is written by composer Aleksandr Zhedeljov.
Audiokinetica is a collective of creative, active and energetic people that creates original performances, executes audiovisual and kinetic projects, makes music, theatre and other forms of art.
Premier on 12 May 2017 at the Vaba Lava venue.
Audiokinetica (NPO Helitelg) web page: www.audiokinetica.com