“sex: f“

Conceived by
Priit Võigemast ja Henrik Kalmet
Maria Lee Liivak
Scenic and costume design
Kairi Mändla
Lightning design
Priidu Adlas (Vaba Lava)
Rauno Zubko
Song „naine“by
Jarek Kasar
Written by
Mari-Liis Lill, Hilje Murel, Ursula Ratasepp, Evelin Võigemast ja Maria Lee Liivak
Costume dresser and props master
Moonika Lausvee
Priidu Adlas
Sound design
Kalle Nettan
Make up design
Gristina Pahmann
Technical solutions
Margus Terasmees ja Eero Druus
Graphic design
Uku Kristjan Küttis
Iris Kivisalu, Gabriela Liivamägi ja Kris Moor
Marketing and communication
Pirkko Valge
Kaarel Oja
Vaba Lava
It’s a show for everybody who is discouraged by the fact that there are only women on stage – because men just are more interesting.
It’s a show for everybody who is looking forward to seeing exclusively women on stage.
It’s a show for men who just made a spicy comment.
It’s a show for women who would rather be a man. And women who think that being a woman is the best thing in the world.
It’s a show for everybody who shares their time between work, children, relationship, friends and society and keep wondering how it’s possible after all.
It’s a show for those who read women’s magazines, write for women’s magazines and pose for the covers of women’s magazines.
It’s a show for those who detest women’s magazines.
It’s a show for men who cook, clean and do laundry just as much as their partner.
It’s a show for women who would rather renovate a bathroom or fix a motorcycle, if only men darned socks and sang lullabies to their children.
It’s a show for women who haven’t dared to ask for a pay raise or, despite asking, have never got it. And for men who know their women colleagues earn less but find at least four good reasons for that.
It’s a show for everybody who thinks by now: “These are not real problems!” Or get mad at stern and hairy feminists subsidized by taxpayers.
It’s a show for everybody who thinks feminists are stern and hairy.
It’s a show for everybody who’s actually a feminist, whether a man or a woman, even without being aware of it yet.
And most definitely it’s a show for everybody who wishes to bring up their children in a better world: better for both girls and boys.
It is a show by four women, Mari-Liis Lill, Hilje Murel, Ursula Ratasepp and Evelin Võigemast. What do they have in common? They are all actresses, mothers and wives, connected by their sex: f. They are in their thirties and dream about doing a show without the need to giggle, hug, hop and blush on stage.
Premier on 25th November 2015.
After the second performance on 26th November 2015 there is artists´ talk with the audience.