Socially Harmful Element
Author of the idea
Siret Tuula
Helen Rekkor
Jaanika Jüris
Helen Rekkor, Siret Tuula ja Kristiina Jalasto-Kallas.
lighting artist
Denis Bretško
Video artist
Piret Parrest
Triinu Reigo ja Katarina Tomps
sound design
Laura Sinimäe
Laura Romanova
stage manager
Eliisa Vellama
Eva Püssa, Kaisa Selde, Silva Pijon, Siret Tuula.
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to live in a society where your worth is determined by the number of times you have given birth?
Documentary play “Socially Harmful Element” is a bold and moving piece about women who do not meet the society’s expectations. They face societal prejudices, pressure and labeling. These women have chosen their own paths—be it self-realization, conscious decision not to have children, or a simple fact that they have not found the right partner yet. But does that really make them socially harmful elements?
This play is a story about all of us—women, men, families and society where we live. None of us is merely a statistic.
Premiere: 14.11. 2024 Vaba Lava Narva teatrikeskus
Duration: 2h 40 ( with intermission)
The play is funded by the Ministry of Culture and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
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