Say Hi to Abdo!


  • Director and author

    Mikita Ilyinchyk


    Alexander Adamov 

  • composer

    Villem Rootalu


    Denis Bretško

  • video artist

    Laura Romanova


    Joonatan Kivi

  • Producer

    Katarina Tomps

  • Translator

    Ilona Martson

  • Stage manager

    Triinu Reigo


EXPERT - Jaanika Arum, LABORANT - Elise Pottmann, ANNA - Liina Tennosaar, NATALIA - Epp Eespäev (Tallinna Linnateater), TOOMAS - Üllar Saaremäe.

The production is part of Vaba Lava’s “I have a Dream” curator program. While this season’s curator Jakub Skrzywanek focuses on the dream as a bright future, Belarusian-born director Mikita Ilyinchyk sees things in a different light. “When you combine a dream with a dream, tragedy inevitably follows.”

The play is about a dystopian world in 2060 where Europe has been replaced with the Euro-Islamic Union, which is run by Fem-Jihad. The activities take place in the Estonian border town of Narva, which now has the Euro-Islamic Genocide Institute.

Everyone has their dreams. Like us, they dream of a secure and safe future. But, is Europe a place for someone else’s dream? Have we arrived in Europe or are we still part of Eastern Europe? A battleground between Russia and Europe?

“We are going to reflect the social responsibility of my generation, which is inheriting a very difficult political gift. ” – Mikita Ilyinchyk, 30 years old.

Premiere: 3 May 2024 at Vaba Lava Narva Theatre Centre.

Duration: 2h 30 min (with intermission)

Genre: documentary dystopia

TW! The play contains disturbing videos.

Language: Estonian

Subtitles: Tallinn and Tartu plays have Russian and English subtitles

Big thanks to: 3D Mudel, Karin Tetsmann, Kaja Kupp, Sergei Poljatšihhin.

Ilja Smirnov
