
  • Director

    Alexandre Zeff

  • Director's assistant

    Nele Suisalu

  • Dramaturge

    Antoine Hamel

  • Artictic councelor

    Claudia Dimier

  • Artistic counsellor on choreography

    Teet Kask

  • Benjamin Gabrie


  • Light Design

    Priidu Adlas

  • Sound Design and music

    Argo Vals

  • Sound technician

    Sebastian Talmar

  • Video Design

    Alyona Movko

  • Actors

    Mirtel Pohla and Jarmo Reha

  • Dancers

    Marita Weinrank, Jevgeni Grib

BIG DATA is a show that questions the world of today and the dangers and benefits of digital revolution. Today, we are facing a new reality, where the speed and volume of data is rapidly increasing. The massive collection, easy accessibility and rapid processing of data is changing our world beyond recognition. On the one hand, the digital and ICT revolution has brought about unprecedented benefits to humankind, on the other hand, there is an imminent threat that people are going to lose their right both to their identity and their privacy. The information overload can become a `data smog`, which dulls the senses, and makes it hard to assimilate and discriminate between things that really matter and that are just white noise. A new world is about to be born for better or for worse. For how long will our souls belong to us and we can call ourselves humans possessing free will in a world where artificial intelligence is about to take over? Have humans been throughout evolution only a start-up for digital superintelligence?

BIG DATA, is a contemplative visual poetic installation, which portrays the turbulence and chaos of the modern world. In a huge glass sphere on stage, dancers` bodies will struggle and move in circles like fish trapped in a glass jar and as if swimming around in the ocean of data. Today everything is fused together… we`re feeding off of one another… cannibalism and contamination… an orgy of the senses; the sphere can also be perceived as a crystal ball where you can see the future.

The two books that have inspired Alexandre Zeff`s BIG DATA are the Naked Man. The Invisible Dictatorship of The Digital Society (L’Homme nu. La dictature invisible du numérique) by Marc Dugain and Christophe Labbé as well as Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.

Alexandre Zeff is a French theatre and film director, actor and producer who trained at the Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique de Paris (Higher Drama School of the National Conservatory of Paris) both as an actor and theatre director. He has performed in many films, television series and theatre productions, including Demain à l’aube (Tomorrow at Dawn), Le Coma des mortels (Mortals in a Coma), Anton Tchekhov 1890, Par acquit de conscience (Conscience Cleared), Julie Lescaut, L’innocent (The innocent) as well as directed both feature and short films and documentaries both for the cinema and TV such as La truite et le cerf-volant (The Trout and the Kite), Roxane, Rencontres (The Reunion).

His work as a theatre director includes Le Monte-plats and Homecoming by Harold Pinter, Zone libre/Eg er vinden (I Am the Wind) by Jon Fosse, Le 20 novembre by Lars Norén and Big Shoot by Koffi Kwahulé. In 2017 his latest show JAZ was performed at the Avignon Festival at the Chapelle du Verbe Incarné. It will be performing at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale in October 2018 and touring internationally in 2018/2019 in the United States, Morocco, Japan, Italy, Martinique, Reunion Island and Guadeloupe.

Alexandre Zeff has performed as an actor in 19 theatre productions and collaborated with artists such as Nada Strancar, Joël Jouanneau, Muriel Mayette, Catherine Hiegel, Caroline Marcadet, Georges Lavaudant and Julie Brochen.

Big Data’ is performed in ENGLISH, with subtitles in Estonian. Duration 1h10m.