“Who Is Afraid of the Blind?“

Conceived and staged by
Jaanika Juhanson
Martin Algus
Stage design
Sander Põldsaar
Lightning design
Priidu Adlas (Vaba Lava)
Jakob Rosin ja Andre Louis
Jakob Rosin
Tarmo Kesküll
Helen Solovjev ja Kardo Ojassalu
Tuuli Raadik
There is little awareness of the problems and needs of disabled people in Estonia. Many people have low expectations of people with disability and are not aware of the specific issues they are facing in their everyday lives. Often people do not know how to approach them: the disabled are either treated as victims, objects of false compassion or exaggerated attention. In the worst case, their handicaps are simply deliberately ignored. “Who Is Afraid of the Blind?“ is based on surveys, interviews, and discussions involving visually impaired people and attempts at raising awareness both about blindness and the visually impaired. Do they fall in love? Do they have sex? Do they cry? Do they dream at night? Can the blind lead a quality life? – are just a few of the questions one might ask these people.
“Who is afraid of the blind“ offers the visually impaired and blind people a platform to both voice their issues and display their talents in a gritty punk cabaret. It is for the first time in Estonia that theatre is being used as a vehicle to provide education about the issues concerning people with visual impairment.
Jaanika Juhanson (b. 1977) is an Estonian theatre researcher and theatre director who has been working for several Estonian theatres. Jaanika Juhanson is also a film actress.
Premier on 19th February 2016.
After the second performance on 20th February 2016 there is artists´ talk with the audience.